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See why thousands of properties around the world have partnered with Canary.
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Trusted by thousandsof hotels worldwide

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Canary TechnologiesHyatt customer by Canary TechnologiesMarriott customer by Canary TechnologiesClassic customer by Canary TechnologiesAce hotel customer by Canary TechnologiesKRC 
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"With Canary, we’re able to replace front-desk work, remain close to guests, & even increase revenue."
— NOMADS Hotel
"Implementation [of Canary] was seamless and easy."
— XV Beacon

Today's check-in process isn't working.

Credit Card by Canary Technologies

Not safe for your staff and guests

The exchanging of IDs, registration cards, and credit cards does not meet World Health Organization guidelines.

Compliance by Canary Technologies

Tedious and time consuming for staff

Front desk staff spends as much as 20% of their time handling check-in logistics.

Paper forms by Canary Technologies

Unpleasant for guests

71% of guests surveyed prefer a self-service check-in process, according to a Skift and Oracle survey.

Canary makes check-in contactless

Here's how it works

Digital Authorizations by Canary Technologies

Automatically send check-in links for all of your upcoming arrivals via email or text message.

Guests submit their credit card, upload an ID, and sign the hotel's registration card.

Credit card dashboard by Canary Technologies

Canary verifies this information and enables the hotel to check the guest in.